Tuesday, May 17, 2016

The Home Stretch...

It's hard to believe this fantastic year is already winding down. While the thermometer may be rising and the flowers have begun to bloom, we sure have been keeping ourselves busy. 

First, a special mention must go out to our wonderful Kindergarten buddies, who we have shared so many laughs with throughout the year, as we watched them grow more confident and self-reliant. 

Over the past few weeks, we've read to them....

.....constructed tic-tac-toe and checker boards for our new Lower School garden...

...and made tie-dye shirts for our Earth Day celebration (among other things). 

After all, there is not a monster more dangerous than a lack of compassion.

A shout out to Ms. Heiss and Ms. Pedde for their enthusiastic leadership on Earth Day!

Our 5th graders have also been working very hard on their Capstone presentations. We were lucky enough to not only view several Senior Capstones, but be part of the Q & A sessions as well.

As far as the 5th grade Capstone preparation goes, slideshows have been created, tweaked, and critiqued by classmates in anticipation of their big day. 

In Science, we also finished our Rocks & Minerals unit, the highlight of which had to be our mineral identification lab. Students did a tremendous job, and it was great fun for all involved.

Til next time.....