Thursday, November 17, 2016

I am....

What are we? It is a question that reveals new answers daily. The picture above says what our 5th graders were in September, but time changes so swiftly and brings such new experiences so suddenly, I would venture to say this board would look completely different had it been done today.

Below, you will see photos of our owl pellet dissection, moments of care and leadership with our kindergarten, identification of the many species of trees planted on campus, a generous visit on Halloween from our Senior buddies, and a continuing focus and burgeoning understanding of coding. 

Above all else, we are a group of talented and confident individuals who ask ourselves daily, "How can I push myself today beyond where I ended yesterday?"

 We continue to collaborate, to inspire, to design, to take risks, all the while having fun with a smile painted on for good measure.

Keep up the good work 5th graders. You continue to impress those around you, as well as yourself.

We are curious.

We are organized.

We appreciate the humor in life.

 We collaborate.

We are patient.


We are amazed.

We classify.

We identify.

We are artistic. (And so are our parents.)

We imagine. 

We appreciate leaders. 

(Thanks, Senior buddies.)

We share.

We design.

We protect.

We care for one another.

We explore.

We challenge ourselves. 

And we smile. (Often.)
To laugh yourself is to love yourself.

'til next time.